Through schools , campuses, deans , professors , tv, entertainment , movies , music and governemtnt and business, barack obama empowered me , and i delivered the following initaitives that has been carried owt and must continued to do so with continued growth. Ever single person on the planet is affected and will know and the evidence made clear to all.
1. Streets made safer, predicate felons slowed down , with prostituion , drug selling and murders lowered. ( this is carried out with the presence of people on streets in marches , walks and fleets known as the riders accompaning special individuals in large numbers to show authority and crete a calm atmospher.)
2.Peace rallys, gatherings, fellowship, congregating, in neighborhoods and places inside and out of worship.
( Churches standing up and making a presence knpwn so that people can have a source of strenght that they can relate to).
3. Parks and lots cleaned up, grasses cut around all businesses , block by block, and litter picked up in streets.
( Attention brought tto specific businesses in areas where there was definately a need to bring attention to property value, and how looking at trash affects morale in the neighborhoods)
4. People brought together from 129 to 180 coutnries , cultures foceused on glogalization enculuration and more binding of diferent groups in spite of social norms of history.
( Molding of faternities and direct attention to people no in any minority specific category by direct contact and busineess and entertainment exchange.
5.%. Enhanced security in locations that are uniformed adn attention and respect given to people in business , authority, or in any situation where more than low chance of a negative lthing happening to that individual.
(Visual presence to people that dont know so tht people will know.)
6.. Emphasis on attention to the safeness of women and children so that people can have more relaxed attiudes and be more positively communicative in public.
( Demonstrated by non profit organizations SADDW Students againd drunk walking (drink dialing) and The president of the united states Barack Obama and Vice President Biden saying that initiatives to programs even down to gender specific health care being brought forth so females can create and forward theneed of positive atmosphere.
7. Direct communication with levels of governemnt on state city and federal level, and atention to foreign affairs , so that presence can made with credbility so trust is made possible to the masses.
(through information being passed directly)
a. evidence shown with meetings
b. Dues being paid to get education, respect shown and learned, and environments to be around the rigt ppeople who force change.
c. Security
d. omb numbers
e. Effective communication
f.Clogomeration and cooperation with incorporation. For the greater good.
g. Google , youtube, ustram , yahoo, tv movies, dvds , cds.